Category: PositivePay

Additional Benefits of eChecking with ValidCheck

Additional Benefits of eChecking with ValidCheck

Just when you thought you’d learned everything there is to know about eChecking: there’s more to cover! You’ve got some insight on how this digital banking system provides speed, convenience, and safety for you and your customers – but it keeps getting better. From additional security to automated processing, here are a few more aspects…

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Why Businesses Are Turning to eChecks to Prevent Fraud

Why Businesses Are Turning to eChecks to Prevent Fraud

Many businesses today conduct financial transactions online.  Whether they are conducting a minority or majority of financial transactions online, security is paramount.  In addition to prioritizing security, most financial institutions would prefer or financial transactions to process and clear as quickly as possible.  After all, the sooner a business gets paid, the sooner their profits…

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How PositivePay Helps Reduce Check Fraud

How PositivePay Helps Reduce Check Fraud

What is Positive Pay? While it may seem that checks are not used as often anymore, check fraud is still a big problem. And, with digital checks there is a larger chance of check fraud if you are not using a secure provider with fraud detection services. Fortunately, ValidCheck is integrated with your bank’s Positive Pay system, which…

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